Our Milestones

At QURE we hold the belief that we help ourselves by helping others within our community. In this vein we have donated to many varying causes over the years. Two of the major beneficiaries of our donations to date are the NGOs Families in Action and Freedom House.

Joel Joseph
I see myself as an artist always striving to create and innovate in my space. My canvas over the years has been the research industry where I have always tried to create a new landscape with my ideas. My role has always been to steer QURE into new opportunities where customers are provided with innovative, affordable and effective solutions, enhancing the spheres in which they exist.
I enjoy the outdoors and if I had my way every day would be spent either kayaking, hiking, cycling or lazing on the beach.
“Each moment we are alive we have the opportunity to create”

Alicia Lewis
Finance Manager
“Opening doors begins with opening your minds”

Crystal Antoine
Administrative Assistant
“Every day gives us the opportunity to begin a new”

Jemor Campbell
Web Designer
“If you can perceive it, you can achieve it”